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//stories in stillness\\the art of seeing // light meets tory\\ 



FaceTime Photoshoot | Creating during COVID


"Intention is the backdoor
to confidence."


mackenzie here

When I first got wind of a FaceTime Photoshoot I won’t lie, I laughed a little too loud. Maybe you did too, but hear me out.

It’s been almost a month since I photographed someone in my studio with my DSLR, but it hasn’t even been 24 hours since I shot someone and I have another shoot here in a couple hours. The trending FaceTime Photoshoot has pretty much saved me & even my business.

I remember my last couple studio sessions before this pandemic hit, even those shoots I felt the pending doom that I knew was coming. I was so incredibly anxious about making sure me, my clients and makeup artists stayed healthy. Then came the notices of non-essential businesses being told to close. My anxiety peaked as I sent out emails to all my future clients about our next steps. I had two small panic attacks with all the unknown, as I am sure ALL of us felt & probably still fee. That was weeks ago, yet it feels like a lifetime away. I guess it kinda is, my life – our life – is completely different.

Ok, getting to the good stuff, FaceTime Photoshoots. Or virtual sessions to include the non-iphone users. I did, I laughed at this idea when I very first read about it. In my defense my brain first thought that someone was taking pictures with a DSLR of the screen while video chatting. Ew, no way and I kept reading. Then a few days later a photographer I know + admire, Teri Hofford was talking about webcam sessions, which registered more in my brain about taking a screenshot verses using my actual camera & shooting a screen. I was intrigued, but my photographer brain instantly went to the quality of how these images would look. Then I thought of the lack of control I would have. I mean I would have no real control of how these images would turn out, the environment & how things looked aesthetically, I would not be able to demonstrate how I wanted my subject to pose… the lack of control was intimidating.

Now, I am so proud of myself because I almost immediately reminded myself of my words for 2020; OPEN – SURRENDER – APPRECIATE. Surrendering has been something I have been practicing all year, and it has definitely come in clutch the last 6 weeks. So I applied it to this challenge & became open to the idea of these virtual sessions. I started getting excited for the first time in awhile! I rang up my bestie in Ohio, who is also a boudoir photographer, & said let’s do a FaceTime Photoshoot! (she kinda laughed at me BTW, but she was open to the idea) We set it up for the next day, where we got up & actually got dressed, did out hair + makeup and “shot” each other. It felt so GOOD to be excited about something, to get ready & be creative. My whole mental headspace shifted. The time flew, we were smiling & had totally forgotten about the shit storm going on outside our little bubble. It was E P I C.

I practiced on a few other friends & decided this was something positive I could offer during this time; a way to capture an intimate moment in history & a way to keep Blue Flame from burning out all while uplifting my clients!

Since April 1st, I have had 16 virtual sessions. I have given up the control that my photographer brain thought I needed to make art. I have connected with amazing individuals from all over the country & I provided joy. Given then something to be excited about, a time to let reality melt away & a chance to feel good. These shoots have been a challenge, giving up any kind of control for me can be a challenge, but these sessions are not about me. They are not about creating a technically sound photograph with correct exposure, focus, white balance etc…. they are about still being able to provide a safe space for people to feel good about themselves. To connect + support them. To create an image that makes them see their power, even – and especially- during such a stressful time.

Intrigued, are you? Want more information? Book below!


A Blue Flame, the purest and most potent energy, clears deeply stuck patterns, transforms your present life, and empowers you to step into your purpose, embodying divine will, strength, and the courage to actualize your desires.