Good reads on the blog // GOOD READS ON THE BLOG \\  GOOD the art of seeiing //  stories in stillness//  the art of seeing //  light meets story // stories in stillness // the art of seeing //  light meets story // stories in stillness // GOOD READS ON THE BLOG // GOOD READS ON THE BLOG //


//stories in stillness\\the art of seeing // light meets tory\\ 


Denver Photography Studio | Blue Flame


"Intention is the backdoor
to confidence."


mackenzie here

My dream of having a Denver photography studio came true twice this year. Made for a lot of moving, but I have landed right where I want to be.

So back in June, right as things opened back up after COVID lockdown I moved into my very first commercial Denver photography studio. I wrote a blog about how nerve-wracking that was. It was the perfect space to transition out of my home studio, but I knew it was not the final landing space. There was this one building that I always had in the back of my mind.

Before I even moved out of my home studio, my husband and I were exploring Denver’s Santa Fe Art District and there was this beautiful white painted brick building with large black framed windows. That was the building. This art district was the spot. I had been to a few First Friday’s with friends (pre COVID of course) and just loved the vibe. So many artists of all kinds genres sharing their passions. It was incredible.

And so that building and the Santa Fe Art District was always in the back of my mind. Keeping an eye out for openings in that building and being very proactive, it happened. The space was even better than I had hoped with white painted exposed brick, tall ceilings, beautiful floors and huge windows. Even though I was just 5 months into my first lease, I had to at least see if I could make this move work. Two weeks of anxiety later I was in.

There were times (many, many times) along my journey of learning photography + building a business that I wanted to quit. The hurdles I had to learn to overcome, the patience I needed to embrace and the lessons that were necessary to learn the hard way were all very uncomfortable. In the moment they all sucked, but I was raised to know that hard work pays off.

There were times that I never thought I would get to where I am now. I embraced the suck then, so now I am going to take a moment and embrace my accomplishments. This space, this business and the woman I have become I fought for.

This Denver Photography Studio, this dream of mine also wouldn’t be possible without those who have believed and supported me along the way. To those of you who read my blogs, like+comment+share my posts, booked a session with me, told your friends etc…. I can’t thank you enough. Hopefully soon I can host a grand opening to share this space in real life and thank you in person.

For more information on this Denver Photography studio visit


A Blue Flame, the purest and most potent energy, clears deeply stuck patterns, transforms your present life, and empowers you to step into your purpose, embodying divine will, strength, and the courage to actualize your desires.