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Colorado Boudoir Studio | 1 year ago


"Intention is the backdoor
to confidence."


mackenzie here

It’s been exactly one year since I moved my Colorado Boudoir Studio out of my home into a commercial space. That’s right, I signed a lease in the middle of a pandemic in 2020. Was I crazy?

I started my Colorado Boudoir Studio in the spare bedroom of my home. I actually turned my entire second floor into a studio. From 2015-2020 it was the Blue Flame studio and it worked just fine; the light was top notch and my worry that clients would feel weird coming to a home studio was never an issue. You can read a little more about it and see my final session in the home studio here. Or peep the promo video from the home studio below…..

Home studio promo video by Tia Lorae Storytelling

While I enjoyed my home studio, my biggest dream/goal was to have my very own commercial Colorado Boudoir Studio. I mean, I was ALWAYS daydreaming about it; had a Pinterest board of ideas and I would imagine what it would be like driving to the studio for sessions. I was obsessed. Most of the time it was just a fantasy, it felt way too far-fetched to make the jump. I scoured internet listings and even reached out to a commercial agent to see what I was up against. I put a pin in the idea until Feb 2020 when, after some IG stalking, the perfect first space opened up. Things were looking fucking goooood, then COVID hit and I was sick to my stomach. I ended up signing a lease on my first commercial studio space in the middle of a pandemic and moved in exactly a year ago, June 1, 2020.

Home studio > first commercial space > current space

I nearly threw up the day I signed that lease. It wasn’t perfect timing but something was telling me to jump. So I built my wings on the way down. I cried every time I unlocked that door for the first two weeks. It was all I had wanted for years – my own Colorado Boudoir studio space. I never really got settled into that first space, I knew it was a starter space. Which is probably why I was still internet scouring & IG stalking…..

Home studio > first commercial space > current space

⁣⁣Just 4 months later my dream space opened up. I knew I had to try & make it work. ⁣⁣But if you know me, if I want something – I gotta have it! So, I did more than just try, cause in November 2020 I moved into that space.

⁣⁣I once heard “the only difference between dreams & reality is just doing it” and it has always stuck with me. I wanted a space so bad but I was also terrified of leaving my comfort zone of a home studio. What if I failed? ⁣⁣There will be so many easy outs & excuses to keep you “safe” but those will all turn into regrets you will look back on. You will be disappointed in yourself if you don’t give yourself the chance to succeed. ⁣

Home studio > first commercial space > current space

So, now that it’s been a year since jumping & committing to my dreams, I am glad I did. All the things I was worried about have never happened. Letting go and giving into trusting the process has paid off. It’s rare I take time to pat myself on the back, but today on this anniversary, I am. I remember wanting to be where I am now so bad, gunna soak in it for a bit. Then it’s on to the next big dream + goal!

Current promo video also by Tia Lorae Storytelling


A Blue Flame, the purest and most potent energy, clears deeply stuck patterns, transforms your present life, and empowers you to step into your purpose, embodying divine will, strength, and the courage to actualize your desires.