Good reads on the blog // GOOD READS ON THE BLOG \\  GOOD the art of seeiing //  stories in stillness//  the art of seeing //  light meets story // stories in stillness // the art of seeing //  light meets story // stories in stillness // GOOD READS ON THE BLOG // GOOD READS ON THE BLOG //


//stories in stillness\\the art of seeing // light meets tory\\ 


Woman laying on back in bed pulling hair above head.

Boudoir Photographer | 7 Years Baby


"Intention is the backdoor
to confidence."


mackenzie here

Not long after picking up my first DSLR camera, I knew I wanted to be a Boudoir Photographer. That was way back in 2010, before I even knew what boudoir was.

I had never even heard the title “Boudoir Photographer” but I was doing it. If I remember correctly, I purchased my first DSLR around 2009ish to shoot landscape while I was living in San Diego. I was just so enamored by the beach & seeing light so differently there. Not long after, a friend asking me to shoot her and her partner before they deployed. I was beyond nervous because, well, people. I had a blast shooting them at the beach. I think we shot for something like FIVE hours. Which, looking back is nuts.

My very next portrait request was for a “sexy calendar” for someone’s husband. What I would call boudoir now, but had no idea the term back in 2010. Y’all, it was a hot mess, knowing what I know now, but damn was I in my element! I hung sheets up on the wall, shot for hours in a tiny bedroom that was mostly a bed. We had a damn blast. I knew there was something special there.

Fast way forward to January 20th 2015 (also my birthday!) and I registered Blue Flame as a business in Colorado as a boudoir photographer. Of course a Grand Canyon of things like education, shooting, learning, failing etc happened between 2010 & 2015 but I will spare you the nitty-gritty. And now it’s 2022 and Blue Flame turned SEVEN!

Looking back on the first two boudoir sessions, I would have never guessed just how important being a boudoir photographer was going to be in my life and those who allowed me to capture them. The role it has played in strengthening the relationship with myself, how I interact with others and creating a life I enjoy and am proud of is unmeasured. It’s not something I take lightly but also something I don’t reflect back on enough. The growth I have accomplished since 2015 and the experience I offer to my clients is so epic. It’s so freaking EPIC.

So cheers to seven years. To ALL of it, the good – the bad – the crazy! Taking a little corner of the internet to pat myself on the back and of course, to thank all the beautiful people who I have captured, who have supported me and pushed me. You mean the world because you are just that, my world.

Want more information on boudoir? Click here.


A Blue Flame, the purest and most potent energy, clears deeply stuck patterns, transforms your present life, and empowers you to step into your purpose, embodying divine will, strength, and the courage to actualize your desires.