Good reads on the blog // GOOD READS ON THE BLOG \\  GOOD the art of seeiing //  stories in stillness//  the art of seeing //  light meets story // stories in stillness // the art of seeing //  light meets story // stories in stillness // GOOD READS ON THE BLOG // GOOD READS ON THE BLOG //


//stories in stillness\\the art of seeing // light meets tory\\ 


Woman leaning on window looking over shoulder in black lace bodysuit.

Boudoir Milestone | Make it a Thing


"Intention is the backdoor
to confidence."


mackenzie here

I am here to make The Boudoir Milestone a thing. There aren’t enough big chapters in our adult life to look forward to, so I am adding boudoir to the list.

The Boudoir Milestone because there needs to be a moment in your life where you just celebrate you, right where you are. Something to look forward to that doesn’t require someone else to check it off. Pre adult there is numerous milestones we look forward to; turning 16 then 21, homecoming + prom, graduation. Then it slows down; getting married, buying a house, having kids….. but if your path doesn’t include those, the celebrated milestones are almost NONE! Lame right? Insert Boudoir Milestone.

Makeup by Faced by Ariel

A milestone that isn’t on a timeline and can be celebrated for many reasons. One that isn’t for anyone else and launches you into the next chapter while memorializing your previous. We can all use more milestones to look forward to. The Boudoir Milestone is one you are in control of and can hit it again & again!

Think back to the last milestone you were so excited for, maybe you were a little nervous because it was so big, and the high during it. Then the sadness once it was over. These life milestones are such a big part of our journey and that journey doesn’t have to stop being celebrated.

Ready for your Boudoir Milestone? Click HERE for more details + inquire.


A Blue Flame, the purest and most potent energy, clears deeply stuck patterns, transforms your present life, and empowers you to step into your purpose, embodying divine will, strength, and the courage to actualize your desires.