When Awakening Boutique asked if I wanted to do a “witchy” shoot I knew it was going to be good. The lingerie was on point, the vibe was elevated & it was cold AF. Seriously, it was barely 35 degrees, but we still made fire.
Awakening Boutique, if you live under a rock & don’t already know, is a woman owned, sex positive wellness boutique in Denver. The ladies behind this boutique are passionate about providing a safe, inclusive, fun, and community-driven space for people to learn about and explore their sexuality. The duo & I have worked together on a few projects & it’s always been such a breath of fresh air.
This particular project was full of fresh air and almost didn’t happen due to the weather. Like troopers, we all braved the freezing cold (them more than me as I was bundled in 4 layers!) and made some wicked magic in the middle of nowhere.
Since it was SO cold, it was a bit of chaos trying to get what we needed with the sun going down quickly and the chill making it hard to concentrate. It was a wham-bam-run-to-the-cars-to-heat-up-asap kinda shoot.
It felt odd to spend an hour with them, creating some powerful images and not get to hang out and chat after. However, that didn’t keep me from still learning from these amazing individuals.
I always talk about how photography brings the most amazing people into my life and this shoot was no different. What is a shoot for Awakening Boutique, is also a reminder of the power we hold within our bodies & sexuality. One could say the patriarchy views women as witches, if ya look at the definition of a witch. “Witch – noun – a woman thought to have magic powers, especially evil ones, popularly depicted as wearing a black cloak and pointed hat and flying on a broomstick.” – Oxford Languages
Ok, not the hat and broomstick part, but how women have magic powers (duh) and are made to feel shame around so many *cough* “evil things.” Women are shunned for being sexual, strong, independent and the list goes on. We are all witches and it drives small minds crazy so they spin it in a negative light. Aka witches & covens.
Being around these women, even in the frigid cold and experiencing them embrace their power and sexuality is unmatched. I invite you to step into your witchy power.
“For years, I’ve been constantly chasing a feeling of power that has nothing to do with what men have done to me. Not power because i’ve overcome, or because i am resilient, or because i am healing, but power because i inherently deserve to feel powerful and capable in my body. For me, my sexuality is a reclamation of my own power. I am in control, I get to decide who/what/where/when/how I give of myself, or share with someone else. My sexuality is mine and mine alone. I know I am worthy of deep, rich, powerful connection with my partner. I know I am worthy of pleasure, full stop.
I didn’t recognize myself in these photos, but my best friend pointed out that it looks like a version of me who is so comfortable standing in that power. I like the way that sounds. ” – Hannah (please check out The Pleasure Collective)
“Liberation in my body feels like deep belly laughter after years of being taught to hold my breath. Soft curves and thick body hair. Femme vibes with a butch attitude. Learning to check myself out in the mirror instead of tearing myself down. Interrupting harmful thought patterns with compassion and tenderness. Finding new ways to feel good, alone, or sharing these discoveries with partners. It’s a big FUCK YOU to society’s norms and expectations; while also making space to define my own.” – Laika
Boudoir is a powerful step in liberating yourself & I would be beyond honored to be a part of your journey. For more info on an experience with me click HERE.